HIP HOP çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¼ Listen to real Hip Hop ! ² ========================³ Written by Heptagon/Suprise! ¹ Hey, fuckin racist called SATURN of Virtual, you are a stupid boy! You silly stupid toy haven't understand anything of real hip hop movement. Why do you judge people by their clothes ?Racist,aah? I will tell you and everyone with the same opinion like you something about hip hop.I mean real hip hop like Cypress Hill and Ice Cube I don't mean pop crossover like Kriss Kross or DJ Bobo, Marky Mark and so on. First something to the word HIP HOP.Hip hop is not just the name for the music that you don't like.It stands for the whole hip hop scene wich includes rapping (the song),DJing (making the beats),dancing (real hard kind of dance),Graffiti (I think everybody knows) and exiting clothes. Now to the lyrics of hip hop. They are often with a high politicail niveau.Just in cause of hip hop musik the gang wars in new york could be stopped. Hip Hop ,is the one and only opportunity to bring knowledge to the gangstars in the ghettos of the USA and other states.They just hang around in the streets and smoke blunts and play with the money which they got from stealing or dealing.So some musicians said that it can't continue like this and so they made ¶lyrics which could be understud easyly. The lyrics were about drugs,racism,sexism,wars and so on. If there won't be rap or hip hop there would be more racism,wars and drugs in the ghettos. It also teaches the african-americains that they don't have to go to the army because you must not kill for a state which have killed your forefather while making them to slaves. Now something about the clothes,hiphopper wear.It is sportswear because you cant breakdance in normal clothes. And now something else. Do You SATURN of virtual call it job when cops slam black people without a reason?Two steaddy donut eating white cops pulled the black man Rodney King out of his car and killed him nearly!What a funny job!!Saturn please ask the cops in america if you can have one of this jobs you like so much! Be quiet you silly racists!! ²signed >¹white man²< hePtaGoN